Monday, 16 November 2020

Challenge update...finally!

Push-ups completed: 2135

Sober days: 149

Sit-ups completed: 2000

Chocolate free days: 16

I've been trying to write this update for over a month now!  One thing or another always seems to take priority (like sunsets!) or, like today, my computer is ridiculously slow and instead of throwing the laptop out the window, I walk away until tomorrow! I have persevered and hopefully, I'll get it uploaded by midnight!

Since I last posted the challenge has evolved somewhat.  My shoulder remains out of action depsite intervention.  The doctor visited at the beginning of October and gave me a cortisone injection.  The injection itself was fine, but shortly afterward I experienced a 'cortisone flare' and my whole shoulder, upper arm, neck and back felt like it was on fire.  After 2 days it went back to how it was pre-injection,  and doc thinks it is an impingement, so I am now waiting for a referral to the orthopeadic dept. at Raigmore hospital in Inverness for further investigation.  There is always a long wait at the best of times, so I'm not anticipating an appointment this year.  I am meant to be resting it as much as possible, but I'm not the most patient when it comes to injury, and working on my own doesn't allow for much rest. A combination of painkillers, ice, and hot-water bottles will have to suffice for now!

To make up for not being able to do the push-ups, I have continued staying sober, even for my 40th birthday (there are witnesses!).  I have decided to carry this on until New Year, when I will have hopefully reached my fundraising target. 

As it looks like the push-ups won't be an option again, I decided to do some sit-ups instead.  I managed to do 2000 in 20 days in September, although I left the last 340 until the last evening! My mum was adujicator so all were done and the pain was real!

November needed a challenge so I have decided to give up chocolate for the month.  Now, anyone that knows me well knows just what a challenge that is! I don't mind admitting that I have an unhealthy addiction to chocolate and although I mostly limit myself to a few squares of dark chocolate these days, I can't remember a day in my life without some 😬  The first 2 days were pretty awful.  I had severe cravings and a constant headache, but I managed to resist and the next week was ok.  I had guests staying so I had plenty of distractions.  The last few days have been tough again, knowing it's there, in the chocolate tin (yes I have a tin full of chocolate)!  So I'm in desperate need of motivation to get me through the next 14 days!  You can help by making a wee donation to the challenge (if you haven't already!)

Donate via GoFundMe here:

Fi's challenges

All funds are gratefully received and will go to these two great charities:

Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust

Ewen's Room

Thanks again to all those who have donated already. We're now at £400 with just £100 to go to hit my target, but I'd love to smash that, so please share with anyone you think might be able to make a wee donation.

I hope you're all well and stay kind 💓

Fi x

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