Thursday, 10 September 2020

Push-up challenge update and World Suicide Prevention Day

 Push-ups completed: 2135

Dry days: 82

It's been over a month since I last did an update and there is no excuse, just a lack of motivation!  Not being able to do the push-ups has put the blog to the bottom of the priority list.  Must do better!

My shoulder injury continues to be problematic.  It would appear I have an AC joint injury and although I'm getting physio, it's going to take some time yet to heal 😒

So, it looks like the push-ups are out the window.  I might pick up the challenge again next year, but for now, I am going to start sit-ups instead! I'm aiming for 2000 by the end of September 😓

I've continued with Dry 'July' and am currently on day 82 of no booze.  I even managed to stay sober on a girls night in Edinburgh with two of my very best friends for our 40th birthdays! We started with a boozy brunch and I had a mocktail. I even impressed myself with the self-control! 

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.  I've lost 3 friends by suicide and I know I'm not alone in being affected by it.  I have also suffered with depression so it's a cause close to my heart.  I am desperate for depression and suicide to become topics that can be talked about openly, without judgment or stigma.  

Ewen's Room, who are one of the two charities I am raising money for, are running workshops to build community resilience and reduce suicide.  They are free and you can sign up here.  Becky, who runs their blog, spoke on Nevis radio today, discussing mental health in the Highlands and Islands, and you can listen to it here.

There was also a heartfelt programme on BBC Radio Scotland by Gary Innes called 'Six men', talking about why 6 of his shinty teammates took their own lives and what we can do about it.  You can listen here.

I want everyone to know that there is help out there and there are plenty of people who want to help.  I am always here for anyone who needs an ear.  There will never be any judgment here and talking is so cathartic. Check in with those you love and be kind to those you don't know.  Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about 💜

If you want to help Ewen's room, you can donate to my challenge or to Ewen's Room direct. Every donation, no matter how small is so very gratefully received.

Challenge donation link:


Take care of each other.

Fi x
